Friday 7 November 2014

Paolo Uccello

Paolo Uccello

 Uccello was an Italian painter and a mathematician who was notable for his pioneering work on visual perspective in art.Uccello was obsessed by his interest in perspective and would stay up all night in his study trying to grasp the exact vanishing point. He used perspective in order to create a feeling of depth in his paintings.His style is best described as idiosyncratic
Paolo Uccello, Chalice,1450
The early Renaissance master Paolo Uccello created this “wireframe” perspective drawing of a Chalice around 1450

Saint George and the Dragon (c. 1470), showing Uccello's Gothic influences

Paolo Uccello, Mazzocchio
Paolo Uccello, Perspective Study of a Mazzocchio

Uccello Construction

The elaborate system of projection can be reconstructed from incised lines on the original drawings

piero della francesca

Piero Della Francesca

he was also known as a mathematician and geometer. Nowadays Piero della Francesca is chiefly appreciated for his art. His painting was characterized by its serene humanism, its use of geometric forms and perspective

File:Formerly Piero della Francesca - Ideal City - Galleria Nazionale delle Marche Urbino.jpg

Friday 24 October 2014

Gustave Doré

Gustave Doré

Doré by Nadar 1867 cropped.jpg

Gustave Doré was born in strasbourg on the 6th of Jnauary 1832. Doré was a  world famous 19th century illustrator, Although he illustrated over 200 books.Gustave Dore was a prolific engraver, artist, illustrator, and sculptor, working primarily as a wood and steel engraver. He produced over 100,000 sketches in his lifetime. Even though he was an untrained, self-taught artist, who never used a live model, and who could not sketch from nature, his work is considered some of the most important in the entire engraving art world.


In Dore eyes he must have seen London as a over populated area. He would have thought that the people who lived there were claustrophobic, that they would have felt like they were traped becausew there were so many people living there.
Over London by rail: 1872
Over London by rail. Engraving. View of the London slums by Gustave Dore from 'Londre a Pilgrimage', first published in 1872. This illustration is a bird's eye view of the slums of London, it shows the poor and overcrowed conditions in which the poor lived in Victorian times, where "There is a desperate, ferocious levity in the air... they (the poor) are the workless of a work-a day London - born in idleness to die in the workhouse, or upon bare boards."
The people who lived in London at the time would have thought that it was utopia. They would have found it desirable to live there, But in Doré perspective he would have seen London as dystopia. Doré would have found it very undisirable to live there because of the over population and the terrible conditions that the people lived in.


Thursday 23 October 2014

Richard Hamilton


Richard Hamilton

Content coming soon!!! 

FKDL Street Artist

Franck Duval or better known as FKDL is a french graffiti artist. He began to paint & drawings in 1984. After studying a year at a fashion design school.he tested several techniques and media until 1997 when he started to experiment with collages. The type of media FKDL uses are graffiti paint and newspaper collages. He makes the women figures into a silhouettes that are dressed in collages of old magazines from the 1920s to today's. I think he uses vintage newspapers and modern newspaper because firstly they're recyclable and secondly